A day in the life of Premium Adventure Walks
Posted on 11th August 2023 at 15:03
I’m writing this blog as I’ve had this website for almost a year now and never done one .....eek, it’s about time I did one, I guess. So where do we start?
Let me tell you about a typical day. I’ll choose last Wednesday. That was a soggy day that’s for sure.
The day started with me taking my own pup out nice and early. He’s a 5-month-old Labrador called Bobby. Being so young and very puppyish and bouncy, he can’t walk far and finds life very EXCITING!! Needless to say, he can’t come out with me on my other doggy walks just yet.30 minutes a walk is his maximum for now.
Once I had walked Bobby it was time to prepare for the rest of the day! Next it was time to walk Wilf and Elsie. They are gorgeous pooches and so full of fun. I took them onto Figham in Beverley, and we managed to dodge the rain. It was fab to watch Wilf jump in and out of the water. Elsie preferred to watch with me. The sun came out on the way home and I was stripping off by the time we reached their home. Hooray! Wilf managed to dry off from dipping in and out of the water and looked nice and clean by the time we got back so that called for a double hooray.
Next it was time to quickly go home for lunch and to check on Bobby. My daughter is at home at the moment so is happy to help entertain him when he’s not having a puppy nap. We can’t imagine life without him now. We feel like he’s been around for ever and we love him so much.
After that it was time to take Archie out for a run on the Westwood. We went to Burton Bushes so he could have a good sniff around and explore. I wanted to shelter us from the rain too. It worked and we both came out relatively dry. Archie is a Springador and needs loads of exercise with plenty of mental stimulation. Burton bushes is perfect as he can sniff and explore till his heart is content. His owner always sends me a photo of him conked out at the end of the day. Always a good result hahaha.
Finally, I took Freddie and Luna out. I walk these two occasionally when their owners need me to help out. They called me in the morning on an off chance I could help them out for a 5pm walk. As I had the time, I was more than happy to walk them. They are both poodles but with very different personalities. Both are really lovely and so attached to each other. We walked across the Westwood and onto the Archery field. We played fetch the ball and as we were playing who did we see? Doris and Betty who I also walk and sit for when their owner needs me. They are both Chiwawa’s (I always need to check the spelling of that word) and they are real divas (owners words not mine hahahaha again)
It was then back home to see Bobby again and to put my feet up for 10 minutes before home life kicked in. What a perfect job I have now though. Being an outdoor person and dog lover make and every working day a perfect day (even if it is raining) oh and then then it was time to take Bobby out again for a half hour walk. Just the two of us with plenty of doggies to meet along the way......Fabulous end to the day.
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