Please note, filling in this form online is optional as these T&Cs can be discussed and recorded by Deb at the time of your meeting if required. 
1. I agree to provide keys/arrange for keys to be available for Deborah Gardiner of Premium ADVENTURE Walks for the dog walking appointment. 
2. I authorise Premium ADVENTURE Walks to obtain any emergency veterinary care that may be necessary during the time spent with my dog(s). I understand that every effort will be made to contact me prior to obtaining emergency care. I accept responsibility for the charges related to this emergency care. I also authorise Premium ADVENTURE Walks to use an alternative veterinarian if my regular is unavailable. 
3. I agree to reimburse Premium ADVENTURE Walks for any additional fees for providing emergency care, as well as any expenses incurred for unexpected visits, transportation, housing, food or supplies. 
4. I will be responsible for any medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to the dog walker or other persons by my dog(s). I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Premium ADVENTURE Walks in the event of a claim by any person injured by my dog(s). 
5. Any additional duties such as watering the plants whilst house sitting in my own home will be covered by my own insurance in the unlikely event of any accidental damage to my property. 
6. If my dog is female, I will notify Premium ADVENTURE Walks when my dog is in season. During these times I understand that my dog will be walked alone for safety purposes and that the time of the walk may have to differ to their usual time. 
7. My key will not be identified to my home in the event of it being lost. Any lost keys in Deborah Gardiners possession will be her responsibility to replace. 
8. My personal information will be stored and processed securely. It will be destroyed when no longer needed. I understand that my personal information will only be given to and stored by Deborah Gardiner if I give my permission. 
9. I agree to notify Premium ADVENTURE Walks of any concerns/complaints within 24 hours of any appointment. 
10. I understand that I must give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to cancel any appointments or the full amount for the walk will be payable. 
11. I agree to settle the amount owing at the end of each day or week in which walks/sits have been undertaken. Payment will be by cash, cheque or bank transfer. 
12. Where dog walking is a regular arrangement over a period of time with no defined end, I and Deborah Gardiner both agree to a two week notice of termination of the agreement. 
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions set out above. I hereby agree that I the undersigned give consent for Deborah Gardiner of Premium ADVENTURE Walks to walk my dog in accordance with my instructions and that (where applicable) I have entrusted her with a key to my property to be used only as agreed. The key will be returned on my request, and I give permission for Deborah Gardiner to seek veterinary assistance should it be required for my pet while it is in her care. Please note Deborah will try to contact you as soon as possible in the event of an emergency via the contact details provided above. 
Cancellations by the customer are required to be made as soon as possible and within 24 hours via email text, or telephone Deborah Gardiner directly on 07796145981. Failure to give 24 hours’ notice will result in the full charge being incurred. 
Deborah Gardiner will also notify you in writing, giving as much notice as possible of any planned and scheduled holidays she will be taking. 
In the unlikely event that Deborah should have to cancel a booking this will be done at the earliest opportunity via the contact telephone number provided by the customer. 

PDF Versions 

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